Sunday, August 30, 2009

Most Common Name in the World

Last month I married the perfect man - at least that's what he looks like to me right now!  But love is blind and we'll see what I'm saying 10, 20 years from now.  

Now I have the most common last name in the world, Mrs. Smith.

Whenever we check into hotels, people assume we're lying about our names.

"Your reservation is under?..."

"Mr. and Mrs. Smith"

Raised eyebrows, "Mmmm-hmmm"

"No seriously."

That's ok.  He's worth it.

Late to the Party

Sometime while I was still writing my thoughts in a journal or typing them in a word document for no one to read except me if I ever happened to go back and read them, blogging was invented. So, a bit late to the party - here I continue to type my thoughts, but somewhere they may be read.

This blog will go both forward, and backward in time - posting today's events, as well as going back to yesterday's events, by publishing past journal entries.