Thursday, September 24, 2009


Today I am thankful for my wonderful, healthy, happy family and all of our success. I'm grateful for all the spare time we have, for the adventures we share and for how much we appreciate each other and all that we have, every day. I swear I'm related to the most wonderful people on the planet.

Each new day is different than the last - but they all come with unlimited mystery and opportunity.

I love you family!!!! You're wonderful.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Going Back - 2003 - Some things never change!

*** Journal entry from 7/23/2003 ***

I have so many feelings and thoughts I don’t know where to start.

I so very much wish that a recording device of some sort could just be hooked up to my brain and it could transcribe all my thoughts – you’d need to be able to turn this feature off of course.


I get so bored so easily… that’s a little bit good but a lot bad I think… well I guess only depending on how you look at it. Especially since I KNOW that there is ALWAYS something I could be doing!

There are so many kinds of different people. Which one am I and do I want to stay this one?

There are so many things that I want right now. I need to reset some priorities.

*** end of entry ***

Well, somethings sure never change! I still feel most of those things, and like I need to reset my priorities... but at least I did go to Australia for a couple months!